
Universal Credit: Implications for Scotland


Implications of Universal Credit scheme on those in work or on Housing Benefit

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Housing Costs, Poverty and Homelessness in Scotland


Social housing and homelessness in Scotland

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Changes in Household Income and Expenditure in Scotland 2008-2014: Household Debt


Study of the increase in household debt in Scotland from 2008-2014

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Changes in Household Income and Expenditure in Scotland 2008-2014: Benefits


Study of the number of Scottish households reliant on benefits since the 2008 recession

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Youth Unemployment published in Scotland 2008-2015


Building on a previous report on youth employment, From Recession to Recovery looks at youth employment and unemployment in Scotland from 2008 to 2015

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Mental Health and Scotland's Prison's Population


This report examines the mental health of Scotland’s prison population.

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Demographics and Scotland's Future


This report examines level of immigration required in an independent Scotland to meet the SNPs spending requirements.

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Energy Supply in an Independent Scotland


This report examines energy supply and regulation policies in an independent Scotland.

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Addressing the Productivity Challenge in Scotland


Roger Cook

Director of Research

The research indicates the main barriers to improving productivity in Scotland lie not with the education system but with the nature of our economy and model of work that has developed over the last 20 years.

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Debt and Destiny


Jonathan Price

Legal Fellow

An assessment of an independent Scotland’s fair share of the United Kingdom’s national debt and the impact it could have on Scotland’s future.

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Early Education 4 Scotland


Dr Azeem Ibrahim

Executive Chairman

Scotland was once renowned as a world leader in education but many emerging nations are now surpassing Scotland in test results and university rankings. The recently published report from the innovative think tank, The Scotland Institute, offers a practical insight into a way for Scotland to begin to recapture its standing, both for excellence and for equity in educational opportunity.

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Defence and Security in an Independent Scotland


The decision on whether or not Scotland should become an independent country is a momentous one, and at the heart of the idea of sovereignty lies the first duty of any state – the duty to defend its citizens. The question of how an independent Scotland would and should defend itself is therefore fundamental to the debate, and the Scotland Institute’s investigation is the foremost publication on the subject.

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Changing Face of Youth Unemployment in Scotland 1992 - 2012


Roger Cook

Director of Research

This report reviews the changing face of both youth employment and youth unemployment in Scotland over the last 20 years. That time span was adopted as it covers the period from the depths of the early 1990s recession to the current economic problems punctuated by the brief New Labour boom based on credit and debt. It also allows an overview of the impact of the establishment of the Scottish Parliament by identifying the situation in 1997 just before it was set up.

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Economic Costs of Social Exclusion


Roger Cook

Director of Research

This paper summarises the costs of poverty and social exclusion in three ways: the costs that are borne by individuals who are poor; the social costs that then fall on society, and the economic consequences of social exclusion. The UK is now one of the most unequal societies in the OECD ; increasingly people are being locked into the income group of their parents.

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Social Exclusion in Scotland


Roger Cook

Director of Research

Scotland, since devolution in 1999, has shown a commitment to tackling the problems of social exclusion. However, overall, the outcomes have been mixed. In many cases, the areas with the greatest failings are also those where responsibility has been retained by the Westminster Parliament, but in other respects Scotland actually underperforms the rest of the UK.

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